Friday, August 20, 2010

But by the Grace of God go I

There are challenges in going back & forth to Arkansas Children's Hospital in the best of any situation, stretching family & friends to the end of the line as I got Trevor situated last night, this afternoon & tonight @ his football game with the help of my dear friends for example.

.I am thankful for the many blessings from our move two hours south, (family, friends, school support...).

 We stayed last night in North Little Rock (as I silently thanked God again for another dear friend that has become family) to ensure we'd be @ the neurology appointment at 8am & kept a hard pace for the remainder of the day, I know to thank God from the time we roll out of bed to the time we trudge our tired selves home.

I pray the entire time we are at ACH for the children that aren't as healthy as Elijah, for the parents that are torn apart on a daily basis, for the doctors  & therapists that give thier all all the time & for the wonderful nurses that bless each and every one of us that have ever stepped inside the front doors of the hospital, any clinic or wing-no matter if's a routine appointment or months on end, they give thier all.

I give thanks for the blessings as in today we I felt for a split second that we'd conquered the world in one fell swoop, MRI & EEG clear & Elijah ready for take-off.

As the dust settled & the sun began to set @ Trevor's football game tonight, I looked around to see myself surrounded by family & friends & felt myself tearing up, so fortunate to have & recognize the gifts my family is given.

Thank you for the blessings & the beauty of the day, God.

1 comment:

  1. Just lost my comment I think!
    Glad you got rid of all that purple, altho purple is a good color for boys. We laid a dryer to rest after an entire box of crayons went thro it - there was no resurrection to be had, the drum was destroyed!
    Happy to have found you here, I am great keeping up with my Facebook & Twitter most days, so hope to see you there ... have a great weekend!
    And look forward to your pics x
