Friday, October 22, 2010

Weak in Blue

The busdriver motioned for his step-dad or I to come to the bus Monday afternoon as he was coming down the steps. His face was flushed & he was running low grade fever. She pointed her finger at us & said Blue does NOT feel well, his chest is tight, his throat is aching & his head is hurting. TAKE CARE OF MY BLUE!

The ensuing night brought more fever, bone rattling coughing & a general sense of miserable for him as we struggled for him to get any rest between coughing spasms.

The following morning as we drove toward his dr.s' office, his school called to inquire after him. I was told that the previous evening as he waited in line to get on the bus for home, he told another child he'd cut his head off & that furthermore, he'd have two days of suspension for said deed. He went on to ask...are you SURE he is sick? This person has been instrumental in Blue's doing so well this year. He has fought side by side for him, with us. I calmly, quietly & clearly answered...yes. He ran 102 fever last night.

I asked if he'd spoken to anyone else that might've been near, that might have (?) heard my son possibly be provoked because that wasn't one of his common phrases. He said he'd not investigated it further as of yet, but planned to have a classroom meeting later in the day with the other child out of the room.

The following day, my son wasn't feeling much better & as he was suspended anyway, we slept in until I recieved a phone call from the aforementioned party. He had the class meeting & was told by several classmates that the child in question was sometimes annoying, frustrating & didn't always know when to quit. (Please understand I'm not for either side, but DO want the facts of the whole event no matter how good, bad or ugly)

My son remained suspended. He was in school ONE day this week with a SIX day weekend.
I'm highly frustrated as his behavior modification plan specifies in school suspension for verbalizing things such as this. My son is smart enough to be aware that if he says anything in a threatening manner, he will be suspended for 1-2 days, possibly more & has gone a full MONTH holding himself fairly well together.

If I & my husband don't stand our ground for my son, asking questions & getting to the bottom of each detail that paints the entire picture, who will? Who will protect him from bullies, social situations that will harm him & people that aren't willing to hear ALL sides before suspending him?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

William Stillman

The Autism Whisperer

William Stillman has been dubbed "The Autism Whisperer," by talk show host Frankie Picasso, for his innate ability to understand and interpret children and adults on the autism spectrum. Lisa Jo Rudy,'s autism moderator, has said, "William Stillman is one of the few who can translate the workings of the autistic mind to the neuro-typical community." And Kelly Jad'on, of Internet news outlet, stated, "William Stillman dares to go where few have gone before; without a doubt, he is the forerunner of the beginning of a movement which will alter the development and future of mankind." 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Coronation & Fire Monitors

Hi, this is Blue's Mom calling to see how his day went & if it was good, I'd like to check him out thirty minutes early for Homecoming Cornonation. He had a great day, but I have to tell you what he did! On the way out the door to the playground, he stopped, pulling off & folding his brand new fire monitor shirt carefully. He asked me if I'd please hold it for him so it wouldn't get dirty while he was playing. I'll have him ready for you when you get here. :) Thank you!

I picked him up five minutes later from the office. He was extrememly excited as we got into the truck & he found his surprise snack & drink. He stopped a quarter of a mile from the school suddenly serious & said where...are we going? I answered to Coronation-you want to see your Sunday School teacher, Ms. Kaylee in it, don't you? He said MOM. Are you SERIOUS?! You took me out of school for Coronation?! Turn around & take me back so I can learn. Please.

FIfteen minutes later, he was walking through his dad's door, yelling DAD, you are NOT gonna believe this-Mom checked me out early to go to Coronation when I could've been LEARNING. UGH... Bye, Mom! Love you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Two days, speedbump, three days

Celebrations come few & far between at times & when they do, they are HUGE i tell ya! Ye ol' gorgeous boy of 8 year old persuasion had another excellent day!  He wrote an exceptional amount in his writing lab & his teacher noted it with his 80% B grade. There is a zero difference between his 80% B & another's 100%. His effort is a huge joy to my heart. :) 

Eighteen months & a complete change of school staff later, times making changes & yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus. There ARE reasons to believe & little by little, it's coming together.

Just breathe, darlin.

As quoted by a dear friend in the last few days, "Dear Lord, I know there is but one set of footprints & it is because you are carrying (us) me during this time of trial & struggle." I have faith, hope &  deeply abiding love, the three strongest forces known to any. Another day, another tiny piece of our puzzle comes together.