Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tangled webs & Third Day

In the midst of all things Autism, Elijahblue has been struggling with writing as long as I can remember. He's in third grade & the battle rages on. According to his side of things, he was placed in In School Suspension (known as ISS from here on out) a couple days ago for refusing to write. I (un) rationally realize it's hard to him to do anything less than perfect in his eyes & writing falls into subunperfect in his mind. I've thought about buying Handwriting Without Tears & still on the fence about it.
I gave him his Avatar valentines to start signing his name to last night, thinking maybe a couple weeks of two or three signed a night would be attainable. It came to futile, tears & frustration for both of us. He said he'd do three if I'd write ten...ummm no. I'll do one, you do two, Mom. No. I'lll cheerfully hold them for you while you jump on the mini trampoline or stand on your head on my bed against the wall. Ummm no, Mom. What if I do one, then two or three in a week-would that work? Ummm. No.

Suggestions welcome @ any time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy End of Normal!

Happy end of normal to you! Hope the world is treating you great! We've been running crazy between six kidlets (three bio-three love-o), basketball, doctors and well, ya know-life? Looking forward to a brief break, praying it's not a train @ the end of the tunnel, but if it is, it better be coming hard and fast to slow me down.

Yesterday as we drove home from Blue's med doctor visit eons away, he mentioned that he had a problem with normal. (?!) As in what? I asked him. He said I struggle to decide if normal is where I want to be, putting all my eggs in the everyone else basket or if it's better I'm myself because you love me the way I am all, you love me all the time and if you love me, why would I want to be normal?

All over again. All the time. I love him:)