Thursday, December 23, 2010

These are the days

The morning began at a dead run, warming water in the mircowave as I do often for my tea & it lit up like the Fourth of July, sparking and the whole nine yards. After narrowly averting the kitchen exploding, I gatheried all our eggs in one basket, organizing & loading up a partial list of presents into the Sopwith Sonata. We flew over hills and dells to exchange my Vallee kids in Nashville w/ thier Mom. On the way there, Blue & I sang Have a Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives & have I mentioned how incredible his gift of mimicry is? You'd have thought Mt. Ives was in the car with us. :) We sang Please Santa Don't Be Late by the Chipmunks at the top of our lungs punctuating it with much laughter and love.

After picking the kids up, we had a long, quiet, discussion about thier most wonderful Dad. G asked me if his cancer was really serious & I explained to the boys what the procedure was and W was quick to reassure me that they told thier Papa and that Papaw's name was on thier prayer list @ eyes immediately welled up with tears as I told them I know you guys don't see me down ever, but it may be a rough few days for me. G said I understand and it's okay to feel that way. I'm in awe of what a good job his Mom and Dad have done raising him. (them)

On arrival home almost 6 hours after departure, the kids unloaded & hit the trampoline @ breakneck speed. As I watched them, it dawned on me that water was pouring out of the ground...praying it was oil geyser to no avail, i called the most wonderful husband on earth & described it to him. He explained to me how to turn the water off until he got home and promised he would give it a look when he got home. (have I mentioned how much I love that man?)

I went straight to the kitchen to start the sausage, got out the flour (in the big ziplock baggy) for the gravy & disaster struck. It seems that the water pipe and refridgerator were co-conspiring against me as the flour was now wet & runny dough. No gravy tonight in my kitchen, no gravy tonight in thier tums...


There are days that chewing through the restraints isn't to be valued or trusted. Maybe today was rough because I'm tender about Dad having cancer. Maybe it was tender because holidays are hard on Blue & sentimental moreso than any other time of the year. Maybe...SuperMom(StepMomster) needs a few seconds to recharge.

All in all, the outpouring of love, prayer & faith the last few days is cause enough to give pure, true thanks & appreciate the beauty & simplicity of God's grace unwavering and His love true...

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